Reflections on my 9-Day Service Project

Day 7

Today and tomorrow require that I spend part of my day taking care of needs other than my service projects. With many things on my mind, I felt rushed as I prepared for my study session. It’s hard to remember to elevate oneself when the demands of our material life crowd in. In the back of my mind, I knew I would get my muffins made in time, but I felt the pressure to do things quickly.

Making muffins had a two-fold purpose:* to use the apricots that were becoming too soft to eat without cooking and to have a treat for the study session.

*for those involved in the
Bahá’í community building activities
over the past year,
you may think there is a word is missing
– remember, we are talking about muffins here.

The plan was to make apricot-orange muffins. All was going well. I measured, mixed, and loaded muffin tins. After five minutes of the muffins baking in the oven, I realized that I forgot to include two of the main ingredients. I quickly looked at the muffins. They were baking nicely. It was too late to add anything. I was no longer making apricot-orange muffins. Instead, I was making vanilla muffins. Rapid change of plans: I elevated the muffins to a premium treat by making apricot spread to be drizzled on while eating. In the end, the apricots were put to use and the muffins were delicious.

Note to self: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá didn’t rush. He had scheduled commitments that were mind-boggling and He always kept His calm. I need to remember that everything that needs to get done…will. No matter how rushed I might feel, I need to take a step back, breathe, and focus on each task in the moment that I am doing it.

My Ruhi partner arrived and we got a good laugh about the apricots. She brought treats as well – coffee and speciality croissants from the Italian Centre. That was a pleasant distraction and a great way to move into our study session. But first, the homework assignment. My Ruhi partner had dutifully completed it. I, on the other hand, had completely forgotten about it. Not a good idea when I was the one that assigned the task. Another blooper added to today’s list.

It seemed to be difficult to focus today. There have been a lot of changed plans for both of us in the past 24 hours. We needed time to process everything that has occurred. We still managed to get a good start on Unit 3 with great discussions. I sent her home with muffins, apricot spread, and beet pickles.

The rest of the day was spent on getting Ruhi materials into the hands of those requesting books. I had an order at the printers to pick up, delivery of some materials to individuals, arranging for others to pick up the materials they requested…emailing, texting, phoning. There are many people in the community who are increasing their own activities along the path we are all walking, and the Ruhi materials are an important part of many activities.

As the day was winding down, I received a text from someone I had contacted over the weekend. We will be able to meet tomorrow to say prayers and converse! I was getting a bit worried that I hadn’t reached out to more people. Was I doing “enough” home visits? Did I contact “enough” people over the weekend? Am I having “enough” elevated conversations?

Again, I remind myself: Everything that needs to get done….will. Yes, I could reach out to many more people, but then, when would there be time to meet those that reach out to me? I realize there is a balance between reaching out and being available. And, yes, I am doing and being “enough.”

The path needs to unfold as it will and I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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